Here is a brief description of LNACS and the team.
The Auxiliary Communications is an outgrowth of many volunteer communications programs, including the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES), the American Radio Relay League’s Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARES) program, and other civilian and government programs. LNACS is a part of the State of California Office of Emergency Services program for public safety.

The ACS unit consists of Federal Communications Commission (FCC) licensed men and women ham radio operators who donate their time and talent to serve the public during emergencies and disasters. The ACS volunteers have the same training and responsibility as agency employees and are designated “Disaster Services Workers” by the State of California. The LNACS is a fully integrated part of the sponsoring government agency. It is activated by the Laguna Niguel Chief of Police services to assist in the event of a disaster or emergency. LNACS volunteers are vital during these events and are considered members of the emergency response team. LNACS provides supplemental communications to the City as required when direct communications are interrupted.
LNACS volunteers have participated in numerous City-sponsored events. LNACS provides communications at Laguna Niguel’s Annual Holiday Parade and special events by supplementing law enforcement radio traffic. They have experience at several Safety Expos and are prepared to assist law enforcement as required.
All applications must be licensed by the FCC as an “amateur radio operator” before becoming a member of LNACS. Licensed radio operators interested in becoming involved in this volunteer program should contact the LNACS Chief Radio Operator. Please use the below “Download Applicant Form” button to complete an application, save it and email it to the LNACS-CRO.
CRO Ted Lavino
Telephone: (949) 296-0620
Email: CRO Ted Lavino

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